Your Year 2 team are Mr Keane, supported by Mrs Brown, Ms Foster and Mrs Brotherton.
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays, and we have Terrific Tuesday sessions for creative outdoor learning every other Tuesday afternoon. Don't forget to wear appropriate clothing.
Homework will be uploaded to Google Classroom on a Friday. This is to be completed in Homework books and returned for marking by the following Wednesday. Reading books will be changed twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that children return their books and Reading Journals on these days.
Spring Term
This term our topic is 'Under the Sea'. We will learn about the oceans - their names and locations; the Titanic and why it was such a significant historical event; and about the explorer Ernest Shackleton. We will also learn about the vast variety of life that inhabits our seas and oceans, and about the cardinal directions on a compass.
In Science we will learn about the 'Living Things and their Habitats' and 'Animals, including Humans'.
In Maths, we are following the White Rose Maths Scheme of learning and will begin with 'Money', before going on to 'Multiplication and Division', then 'Length and Height' followed by 'Mass, Capacity and Temperature'.
In English, we will use texts linked to our topic such as 'The Storm Whale' and 'Ice Trap: Shackleton's Incredible Expedition' to develop our reading and writing skills. We will also write recounts, diaries and non-chronological reports.
We will also continue with daily Monster Phonics sessions to help us to recognise all the phonemes and graphemes found in the English language. This will help ensure we become fluent readers and accurate spellers.
In P.E, we will be doing gymnastics, whilst Computing lessons will provide opportunities to do some simple coding and learn more about internet safety.